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Biogenic carbon

Biogenic carbon

Did you know that incorporating biogenic carbon into building materials can significantly reduce a building's overall carbon footprint?

Biogenic carbon is the carbon stored in organic materials like wood, straw and hemp. These materials absorb CO2 from the atmosphere during their growth, effectively sequestering carbon. When we use these materials in construction, we not only reduce the need for carbon-intensive materials but we also lock away carbon for the lifespan of the building.

Beyond these traditional materials, algae-based innovative building products are pushing the envelope. Algae grows rapidly and captures significant amounts of CO2.

In Australia this approach is gaining traction as a practical solution for upfront carbon reduction. By integrating biogenic materials into our designs, we can make our buildings more sustainable and contribute to a healthier planet.

Next time you think about construction, consider the hidden benefits of biogenic carbon. Contact Kretheka Natarajan Rajeswari from the erbas™ SUSTAIN team to learn more.

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Biogenic carbon - erbas

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