erbas™ was appointed to undertake a detailed design and ESD services for the new $6m life saving club at Black Rock. The proposed redevelopment is to ensure the club remains fit-for-purpose and to meet modern demands of changing demographics, coastal population growth and increased beach visitation.
Project Value
$6 million
The proposed renewal of this pavilion will provide access for all ages and abilities, gender neutral changerooms, two accessible parking spaces, and a dedicated first aid room. The proposal will provide better configuration of spaces for Club activities.
Life Saving Victoria (LSV) has identified the Black Rock Life Saving Club as a priority club requiring redevelopment to ensure the club remains fit-for-purpose and to meet modern demands of changing demographics, coastal population growth and increased beach visitation.
Construction is expected to commence in late 2021 and the State Government of Victoria is contributing $2 million towards the renewed pavilion.
Images: Artist's impressions