As an important part of the transformation of the building services industry over the last few years, erbas™ collaborate with architects, contractors and, most importantly, with their clients.
Although BIM is generally considered to constitute the production of 3D documentation, it can also incorporate 4D (time), 5D (cost) and 6D (facility management). Each aspect can be built into the deliverable to give the client a complete and comprehensive model which will facilitate the design, construction and ongoing management of their facility.
Producing a project that satisfies the requirements of BIM involves the production of a fully co-ordinated model of the project which will incorporate aspects of the building fabric (by the architect), the structural components (by the structural consultant) and the building services themselves (by consultants such as erbas™). This ensures that, at each stage of the design process, every aspect of the model is fully co-ordinated in real time.